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About us

We are a family with diverse expertise to include  Science, Literature, Psychology and Education

Due to fast paced lifestyle, bed time stories are not finding their way to reach our kids. We as a team are headed towards the endeavour to make these stories reach them and give a warm cuddly hug.

The audio story tracks provided by us are narrations of bed time story telling as done by our parents and grand parents.

Our sole aim is to make these stories reach the young minds to help them enhance their imaginative power and listening skills, leading them to develop better learning abilities. We aspire to build a reservoir of Indic stories which boast of our rich cultural heritage and diverse social ecosystem. So let’s help them to become good and aware individuals in the future.

Happy listening…

Our Team

Logo Design by Satvika Pancholi and Kaveri Dhawan (Chirping Birds)

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